Taiwan’s tiSPACE to launch from Whalers Way

By on 30 August, 2021

tiSPACE’s Hapith I rocket undergoing a launch rehearsal. Courtesy tiSPACE.

The Australian Government has given Taiwanese company tiSPACE formal approval for a sub-orbital rocket test launch from South Australia later this year.

The 10-metre-tall, two-stage Hapith I rocket will launch from Southern Launch’s new Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex on the Eyre Peninsula.

“This is a significant milestone that will help pave the way for future commercial launches from Australia,” said the head of the Australian Space Agency, Enrico Palermo.

“We are passionate about growing a thriving space industry — one that can open doors for our national space sector to launch technologies from home and attract greater investment from international launch customers.”

tiSPACE is currently considering shifting manufacturing of complete rocket systems from Taiwan to Australia.

“We have devoted ourselves in the past 5 years in the technical developments of the most cost-effective launch capabilities,” said tiSPACE’s CEO, Yen-Sen Chen.

“But we will not stop at launch. Instead, our launch capabilities are our keys for opening the tremendous opportunities in commercial applications in space.”

“And, only through versatile launches and space applications, can tiSPACE be among the key players in the new frontier of the global commercial space market.”

Southern Launch has been given approval to conduct three sub-orbital test launches by the end of 2021 from the Whalers Way site.

Data collected will be used to measure environmental impacts to assist in determining the site’s viability as a location for future launches.

The company recently released a 3,200-page environmental impact statement document for public discussion.

“We are absolutely committed to ensuring our operations make a positive economic and social impact as well as work to safeguard the fauna and flora at Whalers Way for current and future generations,” said Southern Launch CEO Lloyd Damp.

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