Luh Shyang Loo, a 25-year Fugro veteran, will commence in his new role...
Asia Pacific
Geo Connect Asia will take place as a hybrid event on March 24th...2021-02-03Position’s final issue for 2020 reflects on a chaotic year: the challenges, triumphs...2020-12-02Woolpert and iXblue have joined forces to bolster their aerial survey services in...2019-09-10ADVERTISEMENTSEASC 2019 organisers release program, announce discounted early bird tickets.2019-05-29After two decades abroad, the South-East Asia Survey Congress returns to Australia this...2019-03-26Abstracts for the 15th SEASC will be open until March 15.2019-02-20Sessions scheduled in China, India, & Japan.2015-03-17Jack Dangermond, founder and president of ESRI, will share his insight on where...2013-10-01The world’s largest atlas has been awarded the overall winner of the IMIA...2013-08-20
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KPMG has been signed as Delivery Partner, and a data managem...Australia’s free GPS processing service now uses the lates...Trish Scully will become the head of Landgate, WA’s land i...HP SitePrint improves accuracy and speed when doing site lay...© 2024 Spatial Source. All Rights Reserved.
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