Startups to share the latest in spatial innovation at Locate17

By on 8 March, 2017

Forum8’s VR-Design Studio showing a 3D reality model of a crossing in Shibuya.

Virtual reality, drones and multi-GNSS are among the many innovations to be showcased as part of the Startup Hub at the Locate17 Conference and Digital Earth Symposium.

Taking place 3-6 April 2017 at the Sydney Convention Centre, the Startup Hub is designed to bring innovators and providores of the latest in spatial technologies to spatial scientists, surveyors and decision makers in all levels of business.

The Startup Hub will be located in the exhibition hall throughout the duration of the conference, including the free Market Day on Tuesday 4th April. All exhibition visitors are invited to try out the latest of spatial technologies and the valuable new opportunities they provide, including:

  • Virtual reality to reimagine the world

One of the exciting startups being showcased will be Forum8, whose custom 3D visualisation and virtual reality software will be showcased to all visitors. Complete with an Oculus VR headset, the demo will showcase the future of 3D experiences.

Forum8’s 3D visualisation software is used in driving simulations and human factors research.

Forum8’s VR-Design Studio, also known as UC-win/Road, is specifically focused on 3D VR/visualisation of urban spaces, roads and traffic, and rail. It provides a full environment for visualising a concept, including Australian terrain (DEM) and road design-type tools, vehicles and traffic settings, but it is also possible to import data from a range of sources, such as GIS data including point cloud, road design tools and traffic simulations. The software is also used with driving simulators in engineering studies and human factors research.

  • Rapid-fire spatial data capture

Another start phub taking part, Spatial Technologies Pty Ltd, will showcase the ground-breaking technologies that are the results of research and development completed in 2016. This includes some new and existing technologies like 3D laser scanning, UAV point clouds and light sensors. A number of interesting projects utilising a combination of these disciplines will be showcased such as rapid tree inspections, street light management and asset management.

Spatial Technologies uses a range of platforms for different applications, including RPAS and GNSS, such as that shown here in Papua New Guinea.

  • Multi-satellite solutions

Originating from New Zealand, SURVEY SOLUTIONS will also be partaking in the Startup Hub to launch their entry into the Australian market. Following on from the success of sales of the latest SOUTH GNSS all over New Zealand in the last 5 years, SURVEY SOLUTIONS is now launching the multi-GNSS receiver into the Australian market. SOUTH use the latest GNSS boards receiving the full constellation of satellites available. Light weight at 970 grams and being affordably priced at typically half the cost of other brands, SOUTH offers the best return on investment in the market today.

SOUTH GNSS, a newcomer to the Australian satellite positioning market.

  • Giving meaning to spatial data

Professional spatial problem solvers, Anditi, will also be on hand to show how spatial analytics can solve everything from energy sources to safety. Anditi will be showcasing their next generation platform for high-precision spatial analytics and how it can be applied to help a range of industries such as solar, property, roads and infrastructure, mining, and environment. It has been designed and built in Australia from the ground up to revolutionise the management, processing and visualisation of spatial big data such as high-resolution LiDAR. Anditi will also be highlighting a number of concrete use cases across natural and built environments where its application is generating tangible client benefits in terms of lower costs and higher quality outcomes.

The Startup Hub will be in the exhibition halls of the Locate17 Conference and Digital Earth Symposium from 3-6 April 2017 at the Sydney Convention Centre.

If you would like to take part in the Startup Hub, please contact Jon Tkach at


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