The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) has clarified its position on the national broadband rollout. This follows last week’s report on Spatial Source that the SSSI was raising concerns with Malcolm Turnbull that the national broadband rollout could interfere with the cadastral survey infrastructure. The article quoted remarks from president Jonathan Saxon’s speech given at the 2010 Surveying and Spatial Summit in Melbourne.
The article inaccurately described the SSSI as an industry body, whereas it is actually a membership organisation for professionals working within the surveying and spatial sciences fields. The SSSI also advises that Mr Saxton’s remarks were not reported in their entirety and in the correct context in the article.
In order to correct the report, the SSSI has issued a statement emphasising that it understands and supports a fast broadband network for Australia, and looks forward to the benefits such a system can deliver.
However, the institute has made approaches to both the government and the opposition as well as NBN Co. itself in an effort to raise the issue of protection of the nation’s survey infrastructure, both cadastral and geodetic.
“SSSI would also like to see the location of cables within trenches recorded to survey accuracy, as a means of future location and protection of the new infrastructure,” the institute says.
Spatial Source also reported that the SSSI had the support of the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) on the approach to Turnbull.
The SSSI statement this week said this was misleading and moved to clarify the issue.
“Other bodies, including ICSM, have made separate approaches to NBN Co. regarding protection of survey infrastructure, the role this infrastructure could play in the long-term protection of the broadband network, and offering assistance in ensuring that both of these physical infrastructures are well connected and protected,” the statement says.
The SSSI is keen to meet with NBN Co. to discuss its various concerns and secure viable solutions.