Spatial businesses to receive new funding

By on 22 March, 2016



In an official announcement last week, the Queensland Government has specifically identified the spatial industry as a key area of funding, with up to AU$10 million of funding to be made available under the new Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas fund.

Queenland’s Palaszczuk Government will inject $10 million over three years into startups and small businesses with innovative ideas to accelerate the development of new products and services with high growth potential.

Minister for Innovation, Science and the Digital Economy and Minister for Small Business Leeanne Enoch launched the Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas fund to help Queensland businesses bring new products and services to the market and create jobs.

“We want to ignite innovation in key industries, such as agriculture, spatial technology and app development, where Queensland has a competitive advantage, and help our business visionaries get their prototypes noticed,” she said.

“Many Queensland businesses have great ideas but need a financial boost or expert help to get them to market,” she said.

“The Palaszczuk Government’s Ignite Ideas fund – another Advance Queensland innovation and jobs initiative – is about helping businesses get products to market faster, boosting business growth and creating jobs for Queenslanders.”

Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas funding will target startups and small to medium-sized enterprises with an early prototype boasting enough features to support testing and further development on the path to market readiness.

Ms Enoch said that eligible businesses are now able to apply for funding support up to $250,000.

“We know that many startups and small businesses can struggle with developing early stage ideas because of a lack of funding support and dedicated development focus,” she said.

For further information, including how to apply for Ignite Ideas funding, visit the Advance Queensland website.


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