SA marks third anniversary of digital survey plans

By on 8 April, 2024
Image credit: © Lombard

As of this month it is now three years since the South Australian surveying industry moved to lodging survey plans in a digital data format, commonly known as Digital Plan Lodgement (DPL).

“I am pleased to acknowledge the way in which the industry has embraced this new solution and the positive feedback received to date,” said Bradley Slape, SA’s Surveyor-General, in an email update sent this week.

One of the fundamental principles of DPL is the lodgement of digital data as linework along with other attributes, and subsequently converting this data into an annotated plan image.

“To assist industry with the transition to DPL, a flexible approach to the condition of the digital data was adopted by Land Services SA (LSSA). Where appropriate, LSSA have corrected the digital line work post lodgement to improve the condition of the data. With DPL now well established, I encourage lodging parties to provide correct and complete digital data,” said Slape.

“In the coming months, you may notice an increase in requisitions relating to the presentation, quality and completeness of your lodged digital data,” he added.

“This is an important step in improving the data quality and the digital data transformation, which ultimately improves the cadastre for the South Australian community.”

A range of video tutorials and support materials are available on the LSSA’s Industry Education Hub, and LSSA will hold DPL refresher training sessions in the coming months.

Questions about DPL can be sent to

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