Report helps community understand floods

By on 19 July, 2011
The Queensland Chief Scientist, Dr Geoff Garrett, AO, recently released the report Understanding Floods: Questions and Answers explaining key scientific and engineering concepts of floods to the community.
The report was written by the Queensland Floods Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) panel and focuses on three themes: floods and their consequences; flood forecasts and warnings; and managing floods.
The SET panel was convened by Dr Garrett and includes 25 Australian and international experts in flood-related fields.
Dr Garrett said the report was developed in support of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry to assist in building capacity and understanding of the complex factors impacting on floods.
“The report also seeks to provide balanced and authoritative information for our leaders and the community at large,” Dr Garrett said.
“We cannot stop floods but we can make informed decisions when managing flood risk.
“Better community awareness and engagement, together with strong leadership and productive partnerships across all levels of government, as well as the application of new technologies, will all help improve our flood preparedness now and in the future.”
The report suggests the future is likely to see an increase in flood risk due to climate change, population growth and urbanisation.
This increased risk can be managed through a combination of measures, including improved flood forecasting and warning technologies, better land use planning and enhanced floodplain management.
To read the full report visit

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