Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is inviting people to apply for TfNSW’s “App Hot House” event, to be held on November 3rd and 4th at Fishburners, 608 Harris St, Ultimo.
Approximately thirty applicants will be chosen after the application stage, and will be provided data of real-time GPS locations of Sydney Metropolitan buses with the challenge to develop a highly desirable product for customers.
In this first phase, Transport for NSW will be working with a small team of developers to understand what external third parties’ requirements are. Access to the data provided at this event will be made more widely available at a later stage.
At the end of this event, you will retain all the intellectual property rights. Furthermore, TfNSW will be providing 5 applicants with promotional support for their product through different communication channels. There may be further support provided.
More information will be released closer to the date; however the purpose of the weekend event is aligned with NSW Government’s long-term vision to an Open Data policy. This is to enable innovative start-ups and companies to make use of this data, empowering the citizens with relevant solutions.
To apply, please visit
Date: 3 and 4 November
Location: Fishburners, 608 Harris St, Ultimo, 2007
Cost: Free – food and drink will be provided)
If you have any questions, please email