Position magazine, Spatial Source’s print magazine, is the only Australasian independent publication for the surveying, spatial, mapping and geoinformation industries. The June/July issue is now available for free digital viewing. The latest issue is the August/September and is currently available only through print subscription.
June/July issue#83 is dedicated to the increasingly vital role that spatial technology plays in servicing community needs as diverse as disaster management, spatially enabling utilities and bringing innovation to wider spheres.
This issue’s cover story, “Take Control with RPAS – Reliable Precise Aerial Surveys,” runs through the considerations that need to be kept in mind when selecting tools for precise aerial surveying with remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS).
Another feature article on photo-reality capture explores what happens “When capturing reality becomes really accurate.” South Australia’s AEROmetrex are leading the world in this field and Position explored the small company’s rise to prominence through the adoption of key technologies.
As always, this issue of Position also includes the regular features such as industry news, company news, product news, SSSI news, up front, event calendar and a host of feature articles.
Also in this issue of Position:
- After MH370: discovering new depths.
- Lessons from Super Cyclone Winston.
- GIS technology powers up utilities sector.
The print issue of the latest Position August/September issue is currently being posted to subscribers. To keep ahead of what is happening in the surveying and spatial sectors, be sure to subscribe to Position magazine.