Specialty camera maker Phase One Industrial has signed an agreement with UAV developer Acecore Technologies, marking a deal the companies say will open new opportunities in drone-based high-accuracy mapping and inspection markets.
“The integration of the Phase One iXM camera with the Acecore drone allows full control from the ground, preventing unexpected errors that would require repeated flights and therefore saves precious time,” said Koen Vrints, Professional UAV Surveyor at Koen Vrints BVBA.
Under the new agreement, Acecore will support Phase One Industrial’s iXM range of cameras in the UAV market for high-accuracy mapping and inspection. Acecore will be using the iXM camera in three drone models: ZOE, NEO and NOA, offering fast and efficient, simple, and reliable UAV solutions. The Acecore NOA flagship model can fly up to 45 minutes with any PhaseOne iXM / iXM-RS camera and lens option.
Phase One Industrial developed the iXM series of uniquely designed cameras for UAV-based aerial imagery that the company says redefine the boundaries of technological innovation.
Acecore has opted to give operators full control over the Phase One Industrial cameras’ features during flight. also, all iXM / iXM-RS range cameras can be seamlessly swapped from a traditional bottom mount to a top mount configuration. The companies say the top mount configuraiton will prove especially useful while inspecting structures, such as bridges, from the bottom up.
The companies also claim the combination of the European-made Acecore drone and PhaseOne iXM range cameras is weatherproof and resistant of up to 35knts wind, enabling users to experience far less downtime.
“Our cameras exemplify Acecore’s mission to optimize, increase efficiency and inspire UAV mapping and inspection missions. As an industry leader, we are confident that they will help our strategic efforts to evolve the industry through innovative solutions using Phase One Industrial technology,” said Dov Kalinski, CEO, Phase One Industrial.