Both the North and South islands were represented with two Gold Award and one Merit Award presentations at the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors’ annual conference dinner held in the Otago Settlers Museum in Dunedin on 31 August 2013.
Michael Tagg, Survey Manager – Operations of Envivo Ltd, Auckland and Maaike Duncan from Terramark Ltd, Dunedin received the Gold Awards for the ASB Theatre Refurbishment and the Sabina Apartment Complex respectively.
A cadastral surveying programme called CADSAR – Cadastral Surveying Field Program developed for the HP35S Calculator by Tony Nikkel from Motueka won the Merit Award.
The ASB refurbishment undertaken by Michael involved pricing and undertaking of a comprehensive as-built survey of the existing theatre in the Aotea Centre in the Auckland CBD. The judging panel believes it worthy of the Gold Award for representing surveying excellence in delivering surveying services to architects, contractors and sub- contractors for design and as-built of the refurbishment of an existing large and complex structure.
The Sabina Apartment Complex, the panel believes, represents surveying excellence in concept formulation, civil roading and services design and project management of an apartment complex involving a sensitive steep site and an existing building.
The Merit Award was presented for programming software called CADSAR which is a Cadastral Surveying Field Program for the HP35s Calculator. The panel believe it represents a surveying initiative requiring innovation and computing expertise.
Once again the judging panel, which rigorously evaluates the awards entries, was led by Dr Bill Robertson and they were again very pleased with the quality and innovative surveying skills demonstrated in all the applications for the NZIS Awards of Excellence this year.
The NZIS awards are open to all Institute members with the aim of encouraging and identifying excellent performance by the surveying profession.