New Leica 3D scanner automatically registers point clouds

By on 20 June, 2018

Leica’s new RTC360 3D scanner. Image provided by Leica Geosystems.

Hexagon AB has launched the Leica RTC360 at their Hexagon Live event in Las Vegas, a 3D scanner with automatic in-field pre-registration of captured scans.

Riding the edge computing wave, Leica’s new 360-degree capture device features the ability to begin automatically processing scans as they are captured, reducing processing time later in the workflow.

The RTC360 performs a full dome scan in under 2 minutes, capturing 2 million points of high dynamic range (HDR) imagery, and the device contains a visual inertial system (VIS) that automatically tracks the scanner’s movements between setup positions.

Once captured, the scans can be combined and pre-registered on a mobile device with Leica’s Cyclone REGISTER 360 app, where they can be inspected and tagged.

Hexagon president and CEO Ola Rollén said that beyond the processing workflow efficiencies, this feature can facilitate decision making while on site.

“We designed the Leica RTC360 for maximum productivity. For construction professionals, plant operators, public safety officials, and other professionals who face complex projects with tight constraints, it provides a better way to digitally capture the reality of their sites – and process and visualise that data for faster, immediate decision making,” he said.

The Leica RTC360 will be distributed through C.R. Kennedy in Australia.

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