The NSW Government has added a new layer group to its NSW Globe that includes education and medical facilities, and updated the imagery of several regions. Census layers displaying data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has also been added for suburbs and for local government areas.
The NSW Globe, launched in late 2013, is part of the Government’s Location Intelligence Strategy, established to provide a whole-of-government strategic approach to maximise the value and benefits of location intelligence. The NSW initiative follows other government geospatial mapping efforts, such as the Queensland Globe released in April 2013, and Victoria’s DataVic information collections.
The Globe provides public access to spatial information about the state, including maps, land parcels details, survey information, and census data, via a KML file that can be viewed from the Google Earth desktop application.
The app offers medium to high resolution imagery and elevation data from the NSW Land and Property Information (LPI), including aerial imagery from 1943. The imagery has been collated from several commercial private sector high resolution airborne and satellite imagery sources. NSW Globe also contains imagery datasets covering past and current emergency events.
To start using NSW Globe, visit