Leica’s P50 3D laser scanner. Image supplied by Leica Geosystems.
Leica’s latest device in their ScanStation P-series builds on P40 features with longer range capability.
The ScanStation P50 will offer scan rates of up to one million points per second, at ranges of up to one kilometre. Leica is promoting this new device as offering a broader range of market opportunities for reality capture professionals, thanks to the increased safety and potential applications opened up by the P50’s gargantuan range.
“Our customers have requested increased range so that they can capture tall structures and/or far away features without sacrificing the safety of their field crews. During a recent deployment of the Leica P50 in an urban setting, the extended range allowed us to capture more of a city skyline in less setups,” said Mike Harvey, Leica Geosystems NAFTA HDS product & applications manager. “Due to the extended range, the additional data made scan registration very easy and much faster.”
Leica claims that sites such such as big mine pits, long bridges, dams and skyscrapers may have been previously unreachable, can now be scanned very quickly with angular accuracy paired, low range noise and survey-grade dual-axis compensation.