ESRI and Australian Census data users can once again easily access 2011 Data.
Developed by Navigate Pty Ltd, the ArcCensus extension and Australian Census Repositories are designed to save data managers and GIS Users time and effort by transforming Australian Census Data into valuable, GIS ready data layers.
Navigate has applied spatial technology to ABS data for over 20 years. ArcCensus products help users leverage maximum advantage from the valuable information stored within the vast ocean of data contained in each census profile.
ArcCensus is an ArcGIS extension that is managed from its own toolbar. The functional specifications have been designed in consultation with demographers and users from Navigate's public sector and private enterprise clients.
Key features:
- Data stored locally for rapid access.
- Flexible geographic selection capability. Select from standard ABS geographic boundaries or choose your organisation's own customised boundaries.
- Estimate census counts for user defined polygons by proportioning intersecting fractions from standard geographies. This functionality will be further enhanced when Mesh Blocks can be used to refine the estimate. ABS will release the Mesh Blocks in 2013.
- Choose your geographies using the ABS hierarchies eg select SA1s by selecting Local Government Areas from a list or a map
- Intuitively find and select census statistics columns to be attributed to your geography.
- Select a range of ABS data cells across several census tables.
- Create your own statistical columns using formulae based on the selected census cells.
- Store both geographic selections and census data set definitions, including calculated cells, as metadata. This allows the same census field set to be defined once and used with many different geography sets or to use the same geography set for multiple census data extracts.
- Generate reports from the data in your new layers. These can be printed or imported into other office applications for further analysis and formatting
NAVIGATE Census Repositories are available in mainstream RDBMS packages including Oracle and SQL server.
Profiles available include:
- Basic Community Profile (1996, 2001,2006 and 2011)
- Time Series Profile (2006 and 2011)
- Working Population Profile (2006 and 2011)
- Indigenous Profile (2006 and 2011)
- SIEFA (2006 and 2011 coming soon)
- New Zealand Census Profile 2006
For more information visit Navigate's News or contact navigate@navigate.com.au.