National soil maps to be released

By on 12 May, 2015

Soil Map Australia 2015

The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) will be releasing soil moisture maps, yield prediction maps and crop prospects reports free of charge. The resources will be gradually released from May 2015 through to December 2015.

The information the resources provide will be of particular interest to Australian grain growers, grower advisors, grain traders and overseas investors.

AEGIC’s agro-meteorological team is led by pioneer forecast modeller Dr David Stephens who has more than 25 years of experience in crop yield forecasting and has worked on a number of national-level projects calculating crop yield trends and water use efficiencies across the Australian grain belt. Dr Stephens and his team assess the latest seasonal indicators and crop yield forecasts with the assistance of satellite images.

The resources that will be made include soil moisture maps, predicted shire wheat yield maps, crop prospects report, ENSO summary, wheat water use (production) efficiency, wheat yield trends and wheat yield variability.

The maps will be available in jpeg, eps or pdf.

To assist with your planning you can download a schedule of map release dates.

To view the latest soil moisture maps and example yield prediction map, visit the AEGIC website.

The maps are prepared through cooperation between AEGIC, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.


AEGIC logo


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