Multi GNSS Asia to revisit Melbourne in October

By on 26 September, 2018

The Multi GNSS Asia conference returns to Melbourne for its tenth instalment on October 23-25, with a formidable line-up of local and international talent presenting.

The organising committee of MGA 2018 say that they’ve been so impressed with the breadth and quality of the abstracts they have received from international and Australian delegates — they’ve needed to display over 20 of them as posters at the event, as the 20 presentation slots were filled so quickly.

International presenters include Mr. Yasuhiro Yukimatsu, Director General for International Cooperation at the National Space Policy Secretariat within Japan’s Cabinet Office; Sharafat Gadimova, Office for Outer Space Affairs at the United Nations, Vienna, and Jeff Auerbach from the Office of Space & Advanced Technology from the US State Department’s GPS division.

These three join a cast of GNSS providers that will be speaking , including a GLONASS presentation by Oleg Kem, Director, Navigation Space System Department at Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos; Ying Liu, Senior Engineer at the China Satellite Navigation Office on BeiDou’s latest developments, and an update on IRNSS/NavIC from Parimal Majithiya, Associate Project Director of IRNSS Payload at India’s space agency, ISRO.

The conference dinner will be held at the Melbourne Gaol.

The first morning of the program is themed ‘Australian Strategies’, featuring presentations from the Australian Space Agency’s Anthony Murfett, John Dawson from Geoscience Australia, Glen Cockerton with an update on the 2026Agenda, and Dr. Graeme Kernich of FrontierSI.

A session on multi-GNSS early warning systems and an innovation showcase of the latest R&D for multi-GNSS from a range of international companies round out the first day’s schedule.

Other highlights of the event include the conference dinner at the gorgeous Melbourne Gaol, and a panel on positioning in intelligent transport systems featuring Susan Harris, CEO of ITS, Australia, Grant Hausler of Swift Navigation from the US, and Sara Masterson of Hexagon Positioning  Intelligence, Canada.

A young professional and student forum will cover Australia’s GNSS-focused startup scene, moving from research to management environment and leveraging multi-GNSS tech in smart devices, featuring Dr. Alex Grant of Myriota, Rainer Horn of GNSS.Asia, and FrontierSI’s Julie Mitchell and Nathan Quadros.

Find out more at the Multi GNSS Asia website.

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