Maptek releases SR3 underground laser scanner

By on 21 March, 2018

Maptek have unveiled the latest in their range of portable, highly accurate long range laser scanners, the SR3.

The SR3 joins the LR3 (long range) and XR3 (extra long range)in the R3 series, which Maptek claim is 30 percent smaller and 25 lighter, with 2.5 times faster data acquisition than the earlier I-Site 8000 scanners. The new SR3 has a range of 600 metres with 4 millimetre accuracy, weighs 9.6 kilograms and is aimed at underground applications.

The SR3 has a scan window of -40° to 90° vertically, and 360° horizontally, facilitating capture in any direction without the need for additional configurations, with integrated levelling to automatically correct scans before processing.

New functionality on the scanner’s tablet controller allows users to import  CAD strings and surfaces to view together with scans, which Maptek say facilitates real time comparison between the scans and allows users to compare this directly to the plans or geological models while underground. A high rate of accurate data acquisition, ease of use, IP65 environmental rating and wide field of view for underground survey are notable system advantages.

Mine measurement product manager for Maptek, James Howarth, said that the SR3’s features, combined with an IP65 environmental rating and well-integrated software package make it a compelling choice.

“A strong differentiator of our systems rests with efficient data processing,” he said. “Mine professionals are always under pressure to do more within limited time-frames, so streamlined reporting is a compelling reason to use Maptek.”

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