Locate23 Vendor Focus: AURIN

By on 28 April, 2023

In the lead up to the Locate23 conference and exhibition in Adelaide in May, we’ll be highlighting some of the vendors you’ll be able to meet… their work, their products and their scheduled presentations and/or activities.

This week, our Vendor Focus spotlight is on AURIN.

AURIN, the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network, unlocks and makes accessible hard-to-get data, supporting innovative research on sustainable and resilient cities and towns. By building and providing complex digital infrastructure, it empowers Australian researchers to address the greatest urban and regional challenges facing us today.

AURIN specialises in doing the legwork on behalf of the researchers, with the aim of eliminating the time-consuming tasks researchers go through when starting a new project. It streamlines access to health, transport, housing, economic, land use, demographic data — all integrated to work together. Making this data accessible and useable saves time and resources across the research community.

In 2022, AURIN launched the AURIN Data Provider (ADP). The ADP is the first part of the development of the next generation of AURIN eInfrastructure for spatial data analytics, modelling and tools. AURIN will continue to be refined to deliver increased industry engagement and co-investment, as well as effective research translation to increase potential commercial opportunities, productivity, and other economic and social benefits.

Visit AURIN’s exhibition stand at Locate23 where it will be showcasing new data, tools and innovation in geospatial research, along with research impact stories from researchers addressing current urban and regional challenges.

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