The early bird registration discount for the new Australasian spatial and surveying industry conference, Locate14 – which combines the previous spatial@gov Conference, the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Conference (SSSC), and the Asia- Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards (APSEA) – has been extended until 7 March.
Additionally, the Locate14 preliminary program is now available for viewing.
The preliminary program offers a range of stream topics including:
- Digital Economy
- Innovative Technologies
- Spatial (Smart) Cities
- Defence and National Security
- Think Spatially (Spatial for a Non-Spatial World)
- Changing Landscape of Surveying
- Spatial Data – Building the Foundations for Tomorrow
- Research@Locate
A number of high-profile speakers have previously been announced, including:
- The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications
- Peter Woodgate, CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI)
- Glenn Appleyard, Chairman, PSMA Australia Limited
- Drew Clarke PSM, Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Communications
- Peter Mersi, Chief Executive of Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
- Denise McKenzie, Executive Director, Communications and Outreach for Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), UK
- Christopher Tucker, Founder and CEO of MapStory, USA
- Rachael Robertson, former Antarctic expedition leader
For more information, visit the Locate14 website, or register online.
LOCATE 14 will run from 7-9 April 2014 at the National Convention Centre, in Canberra.