Locate14 program highlights

By on 31 March, 2014
Crew Clarke PSM

Drew Clarke PSM will present at Locate14.


Locate14 is the new premier national spatial information conference and exhibition in Australia and New Zealand. It consolidates the top industry events including spatial@gov Conference and Exhibition (managed by the Office of Spatial Policy), the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Conference, and the Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards.

Locate14 is the premier forum to discuss location-based innovation, and will become the central meeting point of industry, government and academia in one of the fastest growing industries in Australia.

As such, the Locate14 program is full of interesting, forward-thinking, and relevant presentations covering a broad selection of topics:

  • Locating the digital economy
  • Innovative technologies
  • Spatial (smart) cities
  • Defence & national security
  • Think spatially (spatial for a non-spatial world)
  • The changing landscape of surveying
  • Research@Locate

A number of high-profile speakers have previously been announced, with some of the highlights including:

  • The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications
  • Peter Woodgate, CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI)
  • Glenn Appleyard, Chairman, PSMA Australia Limited
  • Drew Clarke PSM, Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Communications
  • Peter Mersi, Chief Executive of Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
  • Denise McKenzie, Executive Director, Communications and Outreach for Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), UK
  • Christopher Tucker, Founder and CEO of MapStory, USA
  • Rachael Robertson, former Antarctic expedition leader

For more information on the conference and the speakers presenting there, visit the Locate14 website.

Registration is also available online.

Locate14 will run from 7-9 April 2014 at the National Convention Centre, in Canberra.

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