LISTECH Neo 2015 launched

By on 31 March, 2015


LISTECH has announced its Neo 2015 software, calling it “new generation geospatial software, offering exciting functionality with increased productivity and ease of use.”

Key to Neo is the ability to design and tailor attribute definitions to suit client needs. Defining attributes with Neo is easy; you can create them automatically by importing from another system or easily add and edit them within Neo. Attributes can also be set to automatically populate with default values and optionally increment as objects are created. Neo allows you to deliver products tailored exactly to your client’s needs.

Neo seamlessly transfers information to and from GIS, BIM, CAD, Google Earth, Leica DBX, XML, LISCAD and many other systems, making it possible to combine, manipulate and move data between various office systems and/or the field. Neo allows you to deliver products in the client’s desired format.

Neo’s integrated 2D/3D environment, where What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG), allows viewing of all the information in 2D and 3D. The new generation interface includes a customisable ribbon and quick access tool bar for tailored ease of use.

Designed for global use; units, precisions, display options, annotation styles, and reports are configurable, allowing local presentation requirements to be met anywhere in the world. Further, the Neo database supports any language and the interface can be translated to any language.

Key for the field surveyor is Neo’s integrated measurement database, for complete control over the processing and reduction of field surveys, and the quality control that comes from the measurement /object relationships inherent in the Neo system.

Rigorous geodetic computations and editing functionality allow information collected in the field to be reduced, new objects created, and data from all sources to be edited or manipulated. All or selected data can then be transferred to field instruments for setout, or to other systems such as GIS and BIM for other purposes.

Coordinate systems may be plane or geodetic. All coordinate systems using known ellipsoids, projections, transformations and geoid models are supported. Transformations can be performed between coordinate systems.

Neo projects are template based, so new projects with the required customisation are created simply by selecting the appropriate template. Sample project templates are included, which allows for quick and easy initial project creation. In addition custom tailored templates with user required attributes and settings are easily saved for future use.

Contact or visit the LISTECH Neo website for more information.


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