Happy GIS Day 2020!

By on 18 November, 2020

Today marks the 21st birthday of the global day celebrating geographic information systems, GIS practitioners and the myriad applications of geospatial analysis.

Kicking off in 1999, the Esri-initiated celebration has become a global success in the intervening years, with a multitude of events occurring right around the world. Straight from the horse’s mouth, Esri’s president Jack Dangermond: “This day [focuses on] what GIS is and helps educate people about the power of this wonderful tool and how it’s beneficial to people.”

If you’re just cottoning onto this now — there’s still time to get involved, especially with the slew of virtual events. Even in Australia alone, there are too many events to list, so here are some resources to help you find what’s on.

Follow the SSSI’s events

The Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute hosted the Victorian Spatial Showcase & eSummit (which continues tomorrow) and a Young Professionals eNetworking event. Get involved, and catch up on the recordings if you missed them!

#GISDay and #PostGISDay on Twitter

#GISDay is the official hashtag for events and discussion on Twitter, with #PostGISDay tomorrow featuring more of a discussion on open GIS technologies.

#GISChat on Twitter

Expect a bumper involvement in the weekly GIS discussion on Twitter, given that GIS Day falls on a Wednesday this year.

Find a virtual event anywhere in the world

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Esri is hosting a map of GIS Day events, as well as a StoryMap of GIS Day events. Marvel at the sheer number of events happening worldwide — then drop in on a few!

Happy GIS Day, everyone — how are you celebrating?

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