GRS-1 competition winners announced

By on 13 December, 2011
Our competition to win one of two Topcon GRS-1 RTK rover systems was drawn last Friday, at our offices in Glebe.
Congratulations go to the winners: Garry Cislowski, Senior Surveyor at the Department of Environment & Resource Management; and Alan Garside, Manager, Spatial Data Services at Land & Property Information.
The winners have each won for their company a Topcon GRS-1 all-in-one, handheld, dual frequency GNSS receiver and field controller valued at $17,500 each, courtesy of Position Partners.
Garry Cislowski said about his win: "I am very happy to have won the system, I can see it being a great asset for field reconnaissance work and improving workflow out in the field. The fact that it is RTK enabled is also very handy, I can see us using it in many areas of our work."
Alan Garside said: “I am delighted to have won the Topcon GRS-1 Kit. One of my roles as Manager, Spatial Data Services, is to negotiate the business and technical requirements with Councils that are seeking to upgrade the cadastre in their areas of interest. LPI is responsible for the State’s Survey Infrastructure and is currently actively involved with upgrading the cadastre in over 40 LGAs in NSW. The GRS-1 will be of great benefit as an additional resource in improving the accuracy of the cadastre, and LPI intends making the unit available for loan to Councils to assist in carrying out that work.”
The GRS-1 provides the flexibility to survey, map, navigate and communicate from the one device, and includes TopSURV 8 on-board survey software, which allows you to create, edit, upload, and download faster using advanced data management techniques. Plus the large graphical user interface, combined with the GRS-1 touch screen, makes it easy-to-use and easy-to-see when you’re out in the field.
We will have a follow up story in the February/March issue of Position magazine, which all entrants who opted for a free 6 month subscription will receive.
The competition was drawn by Position editor Charles Pauka, with Position Partners marketing communications manager Gina Velde in attendance, shown in the photo above.
Congratulations again to the winners, and a big thank you to the competition sponsor Position Partners, as well as to every one that entered. 

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