The ‘Exploring Underground bounty’ prize winning 3D printed map of geothermal data.
This year’s GovHack winners were this week announced at the 2016 GovHack Red Carpet Awards held in Adelaide on Saturday 22 October. GovHack is a three day ‘hackathon’ that sees teams from across Australia and New Zealand compete to develop new applications using open government data. The volunteer-run event is sponsored by technology companies, several government departments and a range of high-visibility start-ups and innovators.
Geoscience Australia together with PSMA Australia co-sponsored the Major GovHack prize for the best ‘No Boundaries Data Hack’, which aims to explore government data from multiple states and territories to unlock the value of spatial data.
The winner was ‘Legends of Tomorrow’, developed by the Shape the Future team from Victoria. The project used a range of government population, environment and weather data to project the future of your neighbourhood, including population, cultural backgrounds, environment (vegetation, waterways) and potential future climate conditions.
Geoscience Australia also offered key datasets and sponsored the Exploring Underground bounty prize aimed at exploring Australia’s geophysical assists in new ways.
The winnning entry was a 3D printed geophysical data model, created by Victoria’s Petrified Data team. Using a series of 2D geoscience datasets from Geoscience Australia, the team created a series of hand-painted 3D printed models including the above 3D map of geothermal temperatures across the Australian continent.
Geoscience Australia judges also gave a special mention to the On Earth, We are On Earth team’s Flood Watch entry which aimed to use datasets published by Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology to develop a real-time flood warning app.