Gilmour Space to launch Fleet Space nanosats

By on 6 April, 2021

Artist’s impression of Gilmour Space Technologies’ Eris launch vehicle. Courtesy Gilmour Space Technologies.

Queensland-based rocket manufacturer Gilmour Space Technologies has been chosen by South Australia-based satellite manufacturer, Fleet Space Technologies, to launch six of its IoT nanosats.

The six Fleet Space Centauri spacecraft will be lofted into orbit aboard Gilmour’s Eris rockets in 2023.

“This is a great example of how Australian space companies are scaling and partnering to compete in the global space market,” said Gilmour Space CEO, Adam Gilmour.

“This launch is going to involve an Australian-built payload in an Australian-built satellite, on an Australian-built rocket,” added Flavia Tata Nardini, CEO of Fleet Space.

Fleet Space launched Australia’s first commercial nanosatellites in 2018 and its fifth in March 2021.

They are used to provide communications connectivity for Internet of Things devices and sensors used by businesses in critical sectors such as utilities and mining.

Pictured: Gilmour Space CEO, Adam Gilmour (left) and Head of Sales, Peter Kinne, with Fleet Space CEO, Flavia Tata Nardini, at Fleet Space HQ in Adelaide. Courtesy Fleet Space.

According to Nardini, Fleet Space plans to eventually have a constellation of 140 satellites.

Both Gilmour and Nardini emphasise how important it is for Australia to have the capability to launch Australian-designed satellites from its own soil.

“As a country, we are highly reliant on space technologies from other nations and it’s time to realise that we can have critical sovereign capabilities in satellite development and launch here in Australia,” said Ms Tata Nardini.

“COVID has shown how important it is to have access and control over the technology that we rely on,” agreed Gilmour.

“Sovereign satellite and launch capability will allow us to protect our assets in space and our way of life.”

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