GeoRabble Brisbane is holding its next (and fourth) GeoEvent at the Pig N Whistle (Riverside) and it will (as always) take the form of 5-6 x ten minute short and sharp presentations by speakers – that may include you!
As an all-inclusive assemblage, and with organisers being at the stage where they are working out the speakers and other logistics, please consider this to be a CALL FOR SPEAKERS and additional ORGANISERS.
And if you have confidence that whoever speaks will be great (like we do) then you should feel free to book your ticket NOW!
If you’d like to speak at this (or a future) event, let the organisers know what you think the GeoRabble could learn from you! The organisers are keen to receive any and all ‘abstracts’ or draft slides that outline your talk idea, so just make contact with your GeoRabble organiser of choice.
If you are someone who would like to help organise, please contact your GeoRabble organiser of choice to let that be known, too.
For more information or to contact the organisers, see the GeoRabble website.