Fugro launches subsurface risk platform

By on 21 November, 2018


Geo-data firm Fugro has launched Gaia Insight, an online platform aimed at quantifying ground risk for construction projects.

The platform is the first in a suite of ‘Gaia’ branded products, offers site-specific risk visualisation, which Fugro says is already being utilised by over a hundred projects, within which it is analysing 12 million measurements per day.

According to Fugro, Gaia Insight ‘delivers geotechnical, geological and structural insights, integrating site investigation, real-time geotechnical and structural monitoring IoT and third-party data, and provides the analytics required to lower ground risk and accelerate construction project schedules.’

Alexander van Noort, Global Business Line Director for Land Site Characterisation at Fugro, said that they wished to become the Google Earth of subsurface data.

“Gaia Insight delivers verified data in real time, reducing uncertainties, lowering the risks of geotechnical failure and avoiding disruption to the adjacent environment,” he said.

“This highly valuable, actionable intelligence allows clients to accelerate their projects, reducing costs and mitigating ground risk.”

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