The biggest event on the geospatial calendar is about to descend on Adelaide, and you can attend the first day absolutely free of charge.
Geosmart Asia – Locate ’18’s first day is Market Day, where industry heavy hitters will be previewing forthcoming market offerings and presenting their latest and greatest in the flesh.
Get up close and personal with the latest and greatest from DigitalGlobe, CRCSI, Nearmap, Esri, Pitney Bowes, 1Spatial, e-Geos, Faro, Hexagon, Bentley, Airbus and Amazon Web Services and many more — and take the opportunity to pick their brains while you’re at it.
Market Day will run from 10am to 4pm on Monday April 9, to be followed by a special edition of Georabble on the theme ‘GeoCareers’ from 4-5:30pm. Also kicking off in the afternoon will be three tempting field trips — but you’ll need to register for those.
Speaking of registrations, Geosmart Asia – Locate ’18 is still accepting them, so sign yourself up to get involved in the rest of the incredible programme, which kicks off in earnest on Tuesday April 10.