FIG/Locate early bird registration extended

By on 4 February, 2025
A photo from behind, looking of the heads of people sitting in a conference hall, with six people on sitting on a stage in the background
Image credit: ©

The early bird registration deadline for the combined Locate25 and FIG Working Week 2025 conferences has been extended to 4 February to 17 February.

Following the early bird deadline, a standard registration period with slightly higher prices will run until 4 March, after which the even-higher late registration rate will apply.

Early bird registration confers a substantial financial saving over late registration, amounting to a saving of $565.

The overall theme of the event will be ‘Collaboration, Innovation and Resilience: Championing a Digital Generation’. The organisers have released initial details of the program, which will feature sessions such as:

  • Hydrography for a sustainable future: Solutions for people, planet and progress.
  • Advancing hydrospatial intelligence: Innovation and resilience in the digital era
  • New methods and techniques to improve measurement accuracy of relative sea level rise and our understanding of its impact.
  • Education, training and capacity building: Updates from around the world
  • An analogue Earth in digital models: Capturing the world around us
  • Resilient PNT: What, why, how, who and when?
  • Innovative applications of cost-effective positioning in mitigating the impact of disasters and climate
  • Reference frames and dynamic datums: Moving with the times
  • Multi-purpose positioning infrastructure: Greater than the sum of their parts
  • Digital transformation in cadastres and land management
  • Land policy and legal issues
  • Land administration, climate action and the SDGs
  • 3D land administration and LADM
  • Fit-for-purpose land administration for women, indigenous, and vulnerable groups
  • Marine cadastres in 2025
  • AI and automation in land administration

The combined conferences are expected to bring together almost 2,000 delegates from more than 80 countries.

Full details of registration, accommodation, the venue, important deadlines and other information, can be found on the conference website.

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