Webinar: Preparing for Large Scale Data Updates: Insights for LGAs

1 June, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Date & Time

Monday, 1 Jun 2020
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Large scale updates to core information managed by many organisations, including Local Governments, is expected to be required over the coming year(s), particularly with the Vicmap DCM underway. Please join us as Andrew Densley (acting Manager Vicmap Strategy and Engagement, DELWP) and Graeme Martin (General Manager Operations, Spatial Vision) discuss the future impact and insights for Local Governments.
Vicmap Roadmap
Andrew will provide an overview of the Vicmap Roadmap series that is currently under development within the Vicmap team, plus a sneak peek of some of the motivators for change within the Vicmap data space including customer-driven data model enhancements and technology-driven data supply and delivery capabilities.
The tsunami of data headed your way
Graeme will be speaking about the tsunami of data headed your way. There has never been a more interesting time to be involved in Local Government GIS especially in Victoria. And a more challenging time. There is a Tsunami of new spatial data becoming available to Local Governments that may open up many opportunities for delivering more spatially intelligent and reliable services. It may also overwhelm some agencies. This presentation will describe the challenges, opportunities and possible responses to these initiatives. Hopefully, it will also open up a conversation about collaborative approaches to dealing with them.
About the speakers:
Andrew Densley
Andrew is currently acting Manager Vicmap Strategy and Engagement within the Land Information and Spatial Services (LISS) branch of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). He has been acting in that role since May 2019 and during that time he has spear-headed a number of major technology changes including the introduction of service-orientated architecture to Vicmap data supply and delivery, the development of dashboard reporting for Vicmap data use analytics and the build of a customer relationship management (CRM) solution for Vicmap stakeholder management. His usual role with DELWP is Manager Enterprise Spatial Data where he manages a team that delivers spatial services to DELWP and other government departments and agencies. He has over 23 years’ experience in the data and information industry working in various technical and managerial roles across various divisions of the Victorian and Queensland Governments.
Graeme Martin
Graeme Martin has been in working in the spatial industry for over 30 years. In this time, he has experienced working for both State Government and the private sector. Graeme has oversighted the design and delivery many information systems from Crown land management to public websites for water use. He has provided strategic advice on better utilisation of data resources to Federal, State and Local Governments from health, emergency management to natural resources. Graeme convenes the GIS Water User Group for Water Utilities and is an advisor to the Local Government Spatial Reference Group.
Graeme is the General Manager Operations for Spatial Vision. He continues to engage in interesting strategic consulting projects for clients.
Join us in the question and answer time after each presentation.
Many thanks to our sponsor

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Su Ling Meimaris


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