Date & Time
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
ACT Office of the Surveyor-General’s Update
- Survey Practice Advisory Committee update,
- Units plan examination and data lodgement
- Laser scanning guideline in NSW and it’s impact on the ACT.
- Legislative review program for the ACT.
- Plan examination update and common problems
- Feedback re Surveyors practice Directions and related Guidelines
Jeff Brown is currently the Surveyor-General of the ACT. He is a registered surveyor in both the ACT and NSW.
Jeff has been with the Office of the Surveyor-General and Land Information for 5 years as the ACT Surveyor-General. Prior to that Jeff ran his own private practice in Yass. He has extensive experience working in a range of jurisdictions in Australia.
The Missing Road – A recent cadastral survey.
This “story” describes the survey of a road in a very old subdivision. The road is excluded from adjacent land which the owner wishes to develop. The road is an unused “paper” private road (not Crown or Council Road). The owner wishes to acquire the road to facilitate the future development.
The presentation includes many interesting features such as Adverse Possession and Primary Application, River and Rail boundary definition, ad medium filum and status of roads.
Mike Stapleton. Mike is a surveyor registered in the ACT and New South Wales. He has been doing surveying since graduation in 1978, and as the son of a surveyor has had surveying in his life since he was born 63 years ago!!
Mike has been surveying in Canberra since 2000 with the same organization as it changed from Fisher Stewart to EarthTech to Landata and now Veris. He has recently decided to partially retire, whilst completing on-going projects.
Mike is also a Registered Planner with the Planning Institute of Australia.
Anticipated BOSSI CPD points = 1 Cadastral
Julie Fairman