The presentation will focus on a major initiative called the 2030 Space and Spatial Industry Growth Roadmap. The Government has set three key objectives for the space industry by 2030; 20,000 new jobs, $12B additional contribution to GDP and an extra one billion dollars into the investment pipeline. The combination of space and spatial working together will make a great contribution to meeting these targets. The space industry sets up critical elements of the communications supply chains (satcoms) together with content (GNSS and EO). The spatial industry provides the vast bulk of the data infrastructure, value-added content and analytics, and the ‘last yard’ delivery channels to customers. Getting this ecosystem right creates a premium competitive advantage for Australia and greatly strengthens our sovereignty and security. The presentation will discuss the next steps in the development of the roadmap; the development of a white paper which sets out the critical issues, the creation of an ecosystem map will help identify key areas for investment, and a risk analysis that will set out Australia’s critical dependence on space based assets and the steps we can take as a nation to improve our resilience, and sovereignty over, these assets. It will also provide an update on the latest developments of the 2026 Spatial Industry Transformation and Growth Agenda and how this initiative will contribute to the roadmap.