The FIG Congress — the largest and most prestigious conference of surveying and geospatial professionals — will this year be held in Poland.
The organisers are expecting an attendance of 1,000 to 1,500 surveying and geospatial experts from all over the world.
This year the local host is the Association of Polish Surveyors, and the conference theme is ‘Volunteering for the future – Geospatial excellence for a better living’. Geospatial excellence and all related professions and topics are now seen in a much broader context and as public goods and beneficial for the well-being and betterment of the entire society.
The sub themes are:
- Surveyor 4.0
- The surveying profession in and after COVID times
- Open access to data
- Surveying competence for other disciplines
The FIG Congress 2022 will give passionate professionals the opportunity to:
- Learn globally, with participation from around 80 to 90 countries
- Learn across silos, from other countries, industries and professional roles – with sessions and representation from a broad range of surveyors and geospatial experts
- Have influence on careers, organisations and communities