1 Convention Centre Pl
South Wharf VIC 3006

How do cities become resilient, and how do you measure it? What are the hidden costs of cheap buildings? Can we increase density without losing green space? Can we grow food on rooftops? And what can cities and sub-national governments do when national governments don’t want a piece of the climate action? All this and more are on the agenda of the Ecocity World Summit in Melbourne this July.
“In Australia, we’ve just come through Cyclone Debbie, and seen severe storms and flooding across the Eastern states,” says Brendan Gleeson, Director of Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute and Summit co-convenor.
“We urgently need to safeguard our cities, towns and their people, in Australia and across the planet. The Ecocity World Summit program is designed to bring leading thinkers, researchers and practitioners together to share the evidence, strategies and tools we need to keep our cities liveable and sustainable in the face of global challenges.”
The Ecocity World Summit brings leading international thinkers to Australia to share their expertise, including:
- Mr Mark Twidell, Managing Director, Tesla (Asia-Pacific)
- Dr Debra Roberts: Climate Change Adviser to ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability (South Africa)
- Mr Aromar Revi: Director, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
- Mr Rachmat Whitoelar: Indonesian President’s Special Envoy for Climate Change
- Prof Harriet Bulkeley: Professor of Geography, Durham University (UK)
- The Hon Al Gore: Former US Vice President and Chair of The Climate Reality Project
The program includes three streams—Urban Leadership, Academic, and City Practices—tailoring sessions and workshops to the interests of people from government, university, business and community sectors.