Event: Open government; resilient state: Innovating for gov in NSW

By on 1 November, 2011
GovCampNSW invites you to be part of an emerging conversation that may inspire and shape new opportunities for innovation in government in Sydney, in NSW and beyond.
It is an opportunity to talk with a mix of people – from inside and outside government, from the worlds of technology and policy, of community and universities – to talk about shaping an agenda for innovation in NSW and to make a start on that agenda.
A GovCamp is an ‘unconference’ event where people from government and people interested in government get together to share knowledge, network, and find opportunities to collaborate.
GovCamps are typically for practitioners, advisers and leaders in such areas as social media and online communications people, community engagement specialists, technical and project managers, open data people, developers and user experience experts, and any others with a story to tell or a question to ask about technology use, innovation and the implementation of e-government / Gov 2.0 and open government.
However, if you are more interested in big-picture policy around Gov 2.0 and open government, high-level strategic direction and what is happening in policy development around the world, there will be some inspiring sessions.
The event will run on Saturday 19 November from 9:30am to 4pm, at the NICTA Lab, Australian Tech Park, 13 Garden St, Eveleigh. It is free to attend.
Learn more and register to attend at http://govcampnsw.info/?page_id=663

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