Event: gov2nsw launch

By on 11 October, 2011
Based on Queensland’s gov2qld group, gov2nsw is an informal networking group for people in NSW that are working – or just interested – in Gov2.0.
The group discusses ways Govt might use online technologies to increase the openness and transparency of Govt process and decision making; the ways citizens and the private sector can support the business of government, and tools and technologies to enable collaboration and more efficient and effective process.
The group hosts monthly, informal get-togethers to share and discuss Gov2.0 ideas, initiatives and tools face-to-face over drinks and nibbleys.

The first event for the NSW group will happen on October 19 from 5pm – 7pm at the Balcony Bar, 46 Erskine St, Sydney.
For more information on the group and the event, visit http://events.linkedin.com/Gov2nsw-October/pub/806954

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