Last chance for members rates to Locate17 and Digital Earth

By on 15 February, 2017


With a little over a month until one of the biggest spatial and surveying events to reach Australian shores, excitement is building for the Locate Conference (Locate17) and Digital Earth Symposium (ISDE10).

Early bird conference rates have now closed for non-members, however members of either ISDE, SSSI, SIBA, ISNSW, ISVIC, QSSA have until 28 February to receive special rates for the full conference. For a limited time, group rates will also be available for groups of four or more delegates. To find out more email

The impressive conference program features no less than eight concurrent presentation streams. Spanning four days from 3-6 April, this year’s combined Locate17 and ISDE10 conference will be held at the newly re-opened Sydney International Convention Centre.

Among the program highlights is a panel discussion by the Surveyor Generals of the various states and territories of Australia, as well as international presentations from the likes of what3words, Esri, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Oracle, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and universities and research institutes the world over.

Locate17 and ISDE10 will take place 3-6 April at the newly re-opened Sydney International Convention Centre (pictured).

The two main conference days, Wednesday and Thursday, will be split into no less than eight separate streams- each of them allocated with an impressive collection of local and international speakers. Among many others, these include:

  • Smart Cities
  • Intelligent Transport
  • Big Data
  • Disaster Management
  • Open Data & Government
  • Land Surveying and Administration
  • Spatial Infrastructure

On Wednesday 5 April 2017, a number of government delegates will formally open the conference ahead of the plenary speakers. In 2015, Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, then Minister for Innovation, performed this very role. Among the plenaries will be Greg Scott, Advisor for Global Geospatial Information Management for the UN; Walter Scott, DigitalGlobe’s founder; Peter Woodgate of CRCSI, Glenn Cockerton of Spatial Vision and Guo Huadong, from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth at Chinese Academy of Sciences.

From there, the program splits into eight complete streams – sure to satisfy all tastes and levels of expertise. On Thursday, further plenaries will be delivered by Steven Ramage of GEO, Alessandro Annoni of the European Union’s Joint Research Center in Italy.

In the two days leading up to the Wednesday, there will be the free Digital Earth Symposium Market Day, networking events, workshops, a VIP cocktail function, and major meetings for the likes of ANZLIC, ISDE and The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM). The annual Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards this year will also be coupled with the ISDE Awards on the evening of Wednesday 5 April.

For those who can’t register for the full conference, registrations are open for the free Digital Earth Symposium Market Day, being held the day before the conference on Tuesday 4 April. The Market Day is free to attend, and visitors will have the opportunity to talk and network with leading spatial companies including Spookfish, DigitalGlobe, PSMA, 1Spatial, Data61, Spatial Technologies, Nearmap, Survey Solutions and many more.

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