The newest version of Live Map features around 400 percent more detailed maps than the original. Image provided by Southern Cross Drones.
Sydney-based UAV services provider Southern Cross Drones have unveiled DroneDeploy’s Live Map application for Australian audiences.
San Francisco-based DroneDeploy are a cloud solutions provider for UAV-sourced imagery analysis, and Southern Cross Drones are their certified reseller and distributor for New Zealand and Australia.
DroneDeploy’s Live Map app for iOS will allow Australian drone operators to create in the field without a data or internet connection plan a flight, take off, and see maps render on-screen during flight.
Live Map’s workflow aims to circumvent the image upload and processing times traditionally associated with most mapping and photogrammetry software solutions. DroneDeploy says that “Since the original Live Map inception, mobile devices have doubled in computational power — allowing DroneDeploy to improve map quality 400 percent by leveraging the latest devices and state of the art computer vision algorithms.”
Live Map also cloud-syncs across devices, allowing users to share maps with collaborators without going back to the office. DroneDeploy touts the main use cases for Live Map as asset inspections, crop health monitoring for agriculture, coordinating disaster and emergency response, and environmental monitoring.
DroneDeploy’s Live Map app is now available through Southern Cross Drones.