DigSAFE Pro and Dial Before You Dig

By on 24 November, 2011

Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) has become a relevant service to Local Government as Councils not only attempt to protect underground assets, but also work to optimise maintenance activity on other significant Council assets including roads, footpaths and parklands.

Utility companies, excavators, electricians, plumbers, planners, developers, farmers, land surveyors, builders, contractors, home owners and landscapers can use this service to advise when and where they plan to dig. Asset owners are then able to provide responses to ensure underground assets remain undisturbed.

Responding to DBYD enquiries can be a labour intensive process. Often DBYD requests received by Councils are processed by highly qualified employees such as Engineers who need to manually check Council plans and mapping applications prior to completing a written response to requests. Requests also need to be handled quickly in order to meet the expectations of those entities waiting to dig.

DigSAFE Pro is a software solution that takes the pain out of responding to DBYD requests and delivers the following benefits:

Automated process which handles and responds to DBYD requests according to your business rules
Requests are tracked and recorded
Easy integration with your GIS system
Automated responses are generated within minutes of receiving the email alert
No need for highly qualified staff to carry out menial tasks; only problem cases are escalated for manual intervention.
Knowing exactly where people are digging can help you to more effectively plan asset maintenance. For example, if a contractor is planning to dig up a road which is scheduled to be resealed then the reseal can be delayed until after the contractor has completed works.

An additional benefit of DigSAFE Pro is that is allows Councils to capture revenue from entities that are digging up Council assets without appropriate permits. By cross referencing DBYD requests with existing permits, Council can identify parties who are avoiding the permit process and capture additional permit revenue while educating these entities about their responsibilities to ensure Council can better plan asset maintenance into the future.

To find out more information about the Dial Before You Dig service and DigSAFE Pro, please visit www.dialbeforeyoudig.com.au or contact Niki Tyler, Account Manager, Pitney Bowes Business Insight on niki.tyler@pb.com.





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