Digital Twin Victoria expands collaboration network

By on 15 May, 2024
Image credit: © Grebeshkov

Digital Twin Victoria (DTV) has announced the expansion of its collaborative network with the addition of three new partners and service providers.

Those partners and providers are:

  • Datacom will provide support services for the DTV platform from June 2024.
  • Telstra has joined as a development partner.
  • A ten-member consortium led by Veris also has joined as a development partner. The consortium members are Veris, Arcadis, Anditi, Hexagon, NGIS, Portable, RMIT, Symbolix, V2i and Wumara Group.

DTV says the new partnerships mark the next phase in its delivery of Victoria’s digital twin and will build upon the platform’s foundations set by CSIRO Data61, with significant extensions delivered by a WSP-led consortium and custom tools developed by Nova Systems.

An announcement posted on the DTV website said that “With the addition of our new partners and ongoing collaboration with the Data61 Terria team, DTV continues our commitment to using Australian innovations and open-source solutions to improve access to leading digital twin technologies.”

“The integration of diverse and specialised skills from leading organisations across Australia’s spatial and digital industries is contributing to the longer-term success and sustainability of the platform.”

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