Digital earth video competition now open

By on 7 December, 2016


Entries for the ISDE video competition is now open to all young people passionate about the vision and objectives of the International Society for Digital Earth. Digital Earth, a term first coined by former vice-President of the United States Al Gore, allows global geographic data to be explored and analysed in new ways to help overcome the world’s biggest issues. The video competition, organised by the International Society for Digital Earth aims to build on this, with entries closing 1 January 2017.

The winning submission will be awarded by air travel fees to Sydney to attend Locate17 and the 10th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE) Symposium. For the first time the ISDE Symposium will combine with Locate Conference (Locate17) over four days between 3-6 April 2017. The conference and exhibition will be held at newly re-opened Sydney International Conference Centre, and is expected to attract a huge number of attendees.

This year’s theme is “Digital Transformation Our Future” and the main author must be less than 35-years old. The three minute video should present the author’s CV and their ideas of how digital earth that can be used to encourage a societal transformation towards sustainability and resilience to natural disasters.

The above video is the winning 2015 entry from Kristina Kehayova. In she highlightsthe possibilities of digital earth, including deep sea exploration as well as a data timeline of Earth’s history.

Submissions for the video competition are due 1st January 2017. Further details on how to apply can be found on the Digital Earth Symposium and Locate17 website.

Videos will be judged both on its ability to promote digital earth initiatives and also the development of video content informed by research and modern technologies in the digital earth field.


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