The D_City: Digital Earth | Virtual Nations | Data Cities report has been updated and printed, thanks to its sponsor, the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO).
GEO and the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) jointly announced the report’s launch at the ISDE conference in Kuching, Malaysia, in August 2013. The 172-page document – a ‘thorough snapshot’ of current contributions to the G8/GEO-co-ordinated Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) project – was, notably, edited by two Australians: Davina Jackson and Richard Simpson, two leaders of the ISDE’s digital cities working party. They collaborated on D_City (the ‘D’ being defined as ‘dynamic digital data design for decent development’) to help educate next-generation urban development professionals about effective ways of using geospatial technologies.
Since the ISDE Kuching release, two more print runs of the report have been circulated to leaders of key stakeholder organisations across the northern hemisphere. The report has been online (originally as a preview for comment) since early 2012, and can be viewed at the D_City website.
The current update includes a ‘postscript’ summary of latest advances supporting the GEOSS vision, including mention of the new Future Earth project recently launched by the International Council for Science and associated agencies, with CSIRO leader Mark Stafford-Smith chairing its international Science Committee.
Editorial Board members for the D_City report include GEO’s Secretariat Director, Barbara Ryan and ISDE leaders Tim Foresman (associate editor), Massimo Craglia, John van Genderen, Michael Goodchild, Milan Konečný, and Abbas Rajabifard. Other ISDE leaders, including president John Richards, secretary general Guo Huadong, Alessandro Annoni and Peter Droege, provided comments for a special feature titled ‘Debating the Data Deluge’.
You can read an interview with Davina Jackson about the ‘D_City network’ venture and its relevance to Asia-Pacific geospatial professionals, over at GeoSpatial World.