The CORSnet-NSW network continues to expand, with the team installing 11 more sites over the past four months. CORS sites added to the network since the start of the 2013/14 financial year include: Gurley, Gwabegar, Weemelah, Hillston, Rankins Springs, Nimbin, Dorrigo, Narromine, Woodenbong, Tottenham and Forster. Upgrades and active maintenance have also been completed at: Taree, Ballina, Yamba, Mulwala, Temora, Young, Merriwa, Wollongong and Waterfall and other locations.
Land and Property Information NSW (LPI) has announced that it plans to complete its state-wide network of 145 CORS by Australia Day 2014.
LPI has also announced that they will soon be moving into systems maintenance and business development, and will be withdrawing from the direct sales of CORSnet-NSW products to allow the authorised resellers and premium resellers the opportunity to enhance the development of the service and related products.
LPI will continue to service all internal subscriptions, along with hosts, partners, educational, and development subscribers and support any pre-existing arrangements with subscribers.
LPI now has 17 companies supporting CORSnet-NSW, providing complete GPS and GNSS solutions to users across the sectors of Surveying and Mapping, Construction and Agriculture.
In October 2013, SmartNet Aus became LPI’s first premium reseller when it officially launched the addition and integration of LPI owned CORSnet-NSW sites to their existing Australia wide network. Position Partners All Day RTK service will become LPI’s second premium reseller when it launches its combined service this month.
For SmartNet Aus and Position Partners, this initiative delivers a substantial and key addition to their provision of GNSS services throughout Eastern Australia.
Authorised resellers will continue to provide CORSnet products, while premium resellers combine CORSnet infrastructure with their own to provide an alternative solution, offering and supporting new products and services for NSW and national clients.
Through this initiative, LPI aims to encourage greater use of its network as well as the development of new and combined products and services that enhance the concept of a nationally integrated CORS system.
For all parties, this initiative creates opportunities for commercial involvement, reduces infrastructure and duplication, improves network backup, and promotes innovation.
To view a listing of CORSnet-NSW authorised and premium resellers, visit the CORSnet-NSW website.