Call for papers extended for Locate17 and ISDE10

By on 23 November, 2016

The newly re-opened Sydney international Convention Centre will host Locate and ISDE 3-6 April 2017.

The call for papers for the spatial event 2017, Locate and ISDE, has just been extended. As a result, you now have until 30 November to have your say at one of the biggest spatial events of the year globally on topics as diverse as augmented reality and climate change.

New additions

The conference organisers have also just revealed that the event will also coincide with the meeting of the United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) as well as the launch of a new Business Summit aimed at bringing together directors and CIOs from influential technology brands the world over.

For surveyors, a special two day session is being planned to include valuable local and international perspectives, including a number of Surveyors General from the various states and territories of Australia.


Over three days between 3-6 April 2017, the Locate Conference (Locate17) will for the first time join with the International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE). The conference and exhibition will be held at newly re-opened International Conference Centre Sydney, and is expected to attract a huge number of attendees.

29 topics, open to all

ISDE10 and Locate17 is open to all research, education and industry communities. The call for papers includes 29 diverse topics related to spatial sciences and surveying:

  • Agriculture
  • Augmented reality
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Capacity building & professional development
  • Climate
  • Construction
  • Datums
  • Disaster and emergency management
  • Engineering
  • Ethics
  • Geospatial and Economy
  • GNSS
  • Health
  • Intelligent transport
  • Internet of things
  • Land Administration
  • Leadership
  • Natural Resources & Environment
  • Open data and data governance
  • Power
  • Research & Innovation
  • Smart Cities
  • Smart Sensors
  • Spatial Infrastructure
  • Standards
  • Trends in surveying
  • Utilities
  • Virtual Globes
  • Water

How to submit

The online presentation submission process is now open and you are invited to submit your work for presentation at Digital Earth Symposium.

ISDE10 and Locate17 is open to all research, education and industry communities

Submissions are closing 30 November 2016.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

The conference is expected to bring over 700 spatial professionals, 50 industry exhibitors and Australian and International delegates from government, academia, commercial and not-for-profit sectors. If you’re interested in partnering with ISDE10 & Locate17, contact Jon Tkach at for more information.



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