12d 1spatial 3D 3D laser scanning 3D modelling 3d reshaper ACT Adelaide aerial AGO agriculture AI AIMS airshow airspace Andy Thomas Space Foundation Antarctica apsea ASEAN Asia atlases Australia automated transport autonomous systems Avalon aviation awards bathymetry Belgium bentley bim blockchain breakfast meeting Brisbane building built environment bushfires CAD cadastral surveying cadastre California Canada Canberra cartography China Choosing Wisely cities civil engineering climate change coastal monitoring coastal policy computing conference conservation construction consultation consulting surveyors copyright cr kennedy CRC crisis management data data mining defence development digital digital transformation digital twin dinner disaster response diversity drone drones e-bikes e-scooters Earth observation education EISSI emergency management engineering surveying environment environmental monitoring EOMap esri Europe eVTOL exhibition expo FIG FIG Working Week 2025 Fiji finlay FME FOSS4G frontiersi Galileo GDA2020 GEBCO geo business geo connect Geo Week geoanalytics geoconnect asia geodesy geodetics geographic information geography geoinformatics geomatics georabble geoscience geoscience australia geospatial Geospatial Council of Australia geospatial data Geospatial Excellence Awards geospatial information geotechnics Germany girls GIS GNSS government GPR GPS graphene GSTC helicopter hexagon housing Hunter Environmental Institute hydro hydrography IAC IAF IEEE IGNSS image processing India infrastructure intellectual property Intelligent Transport IoT ISPRS ITS IWD jacobs land administration land management laser laser scanning leica lidar LINZ local government locate Locate Connect locate19 locate22 Locate25 location services machine intelligence machine learning map-a-thon mapping maps marine mechanical engineering medicinewise Melbourne micromobility mineral mines mining mobility modelling nasa native title navigation Nearmap Netherlands New Zealand nl-event-1 nl-event-2 nl-event-3 nl-event-4 nl-event-5 North Queensland NPS NSW oceanography open geospatial open source Pacific Islands Perth petroleum Philippines photogrammetry PNT positioning precision timing public authorities Queensland remote sensing rescue road design roadmap roads robotics rocket launches rotary wing rotortech RPAs Safe Software satellite satellite imagery satellites scanning science SDB Day Seabed 2030 seminar SimActive simulation singapore site design site development smart cities SmartSat software South Australia South Pacific SouthPAN space space industry space weather SPAR 3D spatial spatial data spatial digital twin spatial information spatial knowledge spatial plan information SSNZ sssi subsurface utility surveying surveyors sustainability Sydney symposium synergy Tasmania TASSIC tech forum technology timing toponymy total station training transport UAS UAV UAVs UN uncrewed United Nations unmanned urban growth USA USAsia Centre Victoria Victorian summit visualisation water webinar webinars Western Australia what3words women women in geospatial workforce workshop world event yellowscan
Oct 15 @ 4:03 am – Oct 17 @ 5:03 am

INGEO 2025, the 9th International Conference on Engineering Surveying, continues the series of meetings that began in 1998.
The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals in the field of engineering surveying and other related professions, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, geoinformatics, geotechnics and so on, to discuss new technologies and development.
The main topics of discussion will be:
- 3D modelling of buildings and engineering structures, BIM
- Smart cities, data collection, sensors, ISs and IOT applications
- Cultural heritage documentation, data collection, 3D modelling
- Indoor navigation (SLAM, RFID, TOF, etc.), low-cost systems and applications
- Deformation measurement, automated measuring systems
- Industry surveys, application of modern technology for power plants, nuclear facilities, etc.,
- Standards and quality assurance of engineering surveys
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