After too long an absence, we’re delighted to announce that GeoRabble Sydney will be back, on Thursday October 18th, from 6PM at the Occidental Hotel in York Street.
As usual, entry is free, and there will be pizza (courtesy of HERE Technologies)
Theme of this Rabble is “The Unusual Suspects” – celebrating the unusual, unsuspected, and surprising applications of geoinformation and -technology. Think using GPS for herding cattle, new uses of drones, photogrammetry in health, GIS on Mars, mapping in insurance and finance, to name just a few.
We are looking for speakers who have an ‘unusual suspect’ story to tell, in under 10 minutes. Do you have a story to tell about a left-field application, please let us know via email:
We’ll be announcing speakers soon. Click here for updates.

SDB Day 2019
The International Forum on Satellite-Derived Bathymetry 2019
Esteemed speakers and guests from hydrographic offices, marine industry, service providers and research institutes around the world will gather for Australia’s first SDB Day in May 2019.
Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) is a method for providing high-resolution water depth data in shallow water environments. These waters are notoriously difficult and expensive to access. The method combines satellite imagery with advanced algorithms to provide affordable and accurate data, and all within a relatively quick turnaround time.
The forum addresses the urgent need for both users and producers of SDB to jointly discuss capabilities, standards, data integration and handling uncertainties in its application.