Learn how to ‘geo-enlighten your organisation’ at Directions LIVE 2016.
This year’s roadshow will highlight how you can extend the benefits of geospatial technology throughout your entire business – to streamline workflows and maximise your return on investment.
Discover how to further leverage the ArcGIS platform’s spatial analysis capabilities and see how this technology gives your organisation the competitive edge.
At Directions LIVE 2016, you will learn the benefits of working with 3D and 4D data, how to select the perfect app to tackle any challenge, and how ArcGIS Pro complements ArcMap functionality.
We will also be showcasing the innovative ways local organisations are improving operational efficiency with GIS technology.
Directions LIVE is free for Esri users – with light lunch provided.
Register today to join our team of ArcGIS experts and your local GIS user community, and learn how to unlock the full potential of the platform – the market’s only complete GIS solution.

SDB Day 2019
The International Forum on Satellite-Derived Bathymetry 2019
Esteemed speakers and guests from hydrographic offices, marine industry, service providers and research institutes around the world will gather for Australia’s first SDB Day in May 2019.
Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) is a method for providing high-resolution water depth data in shallow water environments. These waters are notoriously difficult and expensive to access. The method combines satellite imagery with advanced algorithms to provide affordable and accurate data, and all within a relatively quick turnaround time.
The forum addresses the urgent need for both users and producers of SDB to jointly discuss capabilities, standards, data integration and handling uncertainties in its application.