The Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) has released its draft strategy on Cadastre 2034: Powering Land and Real Property. Launched at Locate 14, the strategy provides a national response to how our cadastral systems must evolve to meet changing societal demands, rapidly evolving technologies and environmental challenges.
The draft strategy advocates a federated national cadastre that represents the real world, being 3-dimensional, dynamic, and survey accurate. Recognising the fundamental nature of cadastre, the strategy places strong emphasis on ease of community access, in particular providing an integrated view of legal and social interests in land in the cadastral context.
ICSM is seeking your views on this nationally significant consultation document to help them make informed decisions on the final direction and form of the strategy.
Submissions can be made via the ICSM website or via email to Written submissions can be sent to ICSM Chair, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia. Submissions close on 31 July 2014.
Copies of the draft strategy can be obtained through the ICSM website or by contacting the ICSM Executive Officer on