Brisbane City Council (BCC) has added a further 50 datasets to the over 750 datasets freely available through The datasets include bus stop locations, bin collection days, CityCycle locations, parking areas, Eat Safe ratings, and dog parks, among others. All released datasets are available under a Creative Commons ‘CC BY’ license.
In celebrating the release of these datasets to the public, BCC has announced the hack::Brisbane competition, which challenges software developers to help improve Brisbane with creative new apps or websites that use Brisbane City Council data.
There are two main prizes of $10,000 to be won, with entries closing on 16 March 2012. More information is available at
To coincide with this competition, HackFest Brisbane – a free, one-day mini version of the competition designed to stimulate ideas for and to promote hack::Brisbane – will be held on 26 November at the BCC offices located at Level 2, Roy Harvey House, 157 Ann Street, Brisbane.
Prizes for the HackFest include a $500 first prize, $300 second prize, and $100 third price across two categories: ‘Open’ and ‘Access & Inclusion’.
More information on HackFest Brisbane can be found at
Free registration is available at
To find out more about the freely available datasets visit or